107 research outputs found

    Unsheltered homelessness among veterans: correlates and profiles

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    We identified correlates of unsheltered status among Veterans experiencing homelessness and describe d distinct subgroups within the unsheltered homeless Veteran population using data from a screening instrument for homelessness that is administered to all Veterans accessing outpatient care at a Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facility . Correlates o f unsheltered homelessness included male gender, white race, older age, lower levels of VHA eligibility, substance use disorders, frequent use of VHA inpatient and infrequent use of VHA outpatient services, and residing in the West. We identified six disti nct subgroups of unsheltered Veterans; the tri - morbid frequent users represented the highest need group, but the largest group was comprised of Veterans who made highly infrequent use of VHA healthcare services. Differences between sheltered and unshelter ed Veterans and heterogeneity within the unsheltered Veteran population should be considered in targeting housing and other interventions.National Center on Homelessness Among Veteran

    “You don’t see them on the streets of your town”: challenges and strategies for serving unstably housed veterans in rural areas

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    Research on policy and programmatic responses to homelessness has focused largely on urban areas, with comparatively little attention paid to the rural context. We conducted qualitative interviews with a nationwide sample of rural-serving agencies receiving grants through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Supportive Services for Veteran Families program to better understand the housing needs, available services, needed resources, and challenges in serving homeless and unstably housed veterans in rural areas. Respondents discussed key challenges—identifying unstably housed veterans, providing services within the rural resource context, and leveraging effective collaboration—and strategies to address these challenges. Unmet needs identified included emergency and subsidized long-term housing options, transportation resources, flexible financial resources, and additional funding to support the intensive work required in rural areas. Our findings identify promising programmatic innovations and highlight the need for policy remedies that are responsive to the unique challenges of addressing homelessness and housing instability in rural areas.Accepted manuscrip

    Characteristics and likelihood of ongoing homelessness among unsheltered veterans

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    INTRODUCTION: Unsheltered homelessness is an important phenomenon yet difficult to study due to lack of data. The Veterans Health Administration administers a universal homelessness screener, which identifies housing status for Veterans screening positive for homelessness. METHODS: This study compared unsheltered and sheltered Veterans, assessed differences in rates of ongoing homelessness, and estimated a mixed-effect logistic regression model to examine the relationship between housing status and ongoing homelessness. RESULTS: Eleven percent of Veterans who screened positive for homelessness were unsheltered; 40% of those who rescreened were homeless six months later, compared with less than 20% of sheltered Veterans. Unsheltered Veterans were 2.7 times as likely to experience ongoing homelessness. DISCUSSION: Unsheltered Veterans differ from their sheltered counterparts-they are older, more likely to be male, less likely to have income-and may be good candidates for an intensive housing intervention. Future research will assess clinical characteristics and services utilization among this population

    Impact of Community Investment in Safety Net Services on Rates of Unsheltered Homelessness Among Veterans

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    Unsheltered homelessness among veterans has declined rapidly since 2009; however, more than one-third of veterans experiencing homelessness stayed in places not meant for human habitation during 2014. Research has identified a negative relationship between federal spending on the social safety net and community level rates of homelessness, but not specifically for veterans. The present study assessed whether investment in veteran-specific safety net resources predicted changes in the rate of unsheltered veteran homelessness. Increases in Veterans Affairs (VA) medical care expenditures were significantly associated with a decline in unsheltered veteran homelessness, perhaps explained by additional VA resources aimed at identifying and housing these veterans

    Needles in a haystack: screening and healthcare system evidence for homelessness

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    Effectiveness of screening for homelessness in a large healthcare system was evaluated in terms of successfully referring and connecting patients with appropriate prevention or intervention services. Screening and healthcare services data from nearly 6 million U.S. military veterans were analyzed. Veterans either screened positive for current or risk of housing instability, or negative for both. Current living situation was used to validate results of screening. Administrative evidence for homelessness-related services was significantly higher among positive-screen veterans who accepted a referral for services compared to those who declined. Screening for current or risk of homelessness led to earlier identification, which led to earlier and more extensive service engagement

    Comparing the utilization and cost of health services between veterans experiencing brief and ongoing episodes of housing instability

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    Housing instability is associated with costly patterns of health and behavioral health service use. However, little prior research has examined patterns of service use associated with higher costs among those experiencing ongoing housing instability. To address this gap, we compared inpatient and outpatient medical and behavioral health service utilization and costs between veterans experiencing brief and ongoing episodes of housing instability. We used data from a brief screening instrument for homelessness and housing instability that has been implemented throughout the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system to identify a national sample of veterans experiencing housing instability. Veterans were classified as experiencing either brief or ongoing housing instability, based on two consecutive responses to the instrument, and we used a series of two-part regression models to conduct adjusted comparisons of costs between veterans experiencing brief and ongoing episodes of housing instability. Among 5794 veterans screening positive for housing instability, 4934 (85%) were experiencing brief and 860 (15%) ongoing instability. The average total annual incremental cost associated with ongoing versus brief episodes of housing instability was estimated at $7573, with the bulk of this difference found in inpatient services. Cost differences resulted more from a higher probability of service use among those experiencing ongoing episodes of housing instability than from higher costs among service users. Our findings suggest that VA programmatic efforts aimed at preventing extended episodes of housing instability could potentially result in substantial cost offsets for the VA health care system.This study was supported by funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D) grant IIR 13-334-3 and from the VA National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans

    Rurality or distance to care and the risk of homelessness among Afghanistan and Iraq veterans

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    INTRODUCTION: To date, no studies have examined the relationship of rurality and distance to nearest VA facility to risk of homelessness. METHODS: We examined differences in the rate of homelessness within a year of a Veteran's first encounter with the VA following last military separation based on rurality and distance to the nearest VA facility using multivariable log-binomial regressions. RESULTS: In our cohort of 708,120 Veterans, 73% were determined to have a forwarding address in urban areas, 59.2% and 86.7% lived within 40 miles of the nearest VA medical center (VAMC), respectively. Veterans living in a rural area and those living between 20+ miles away from the nearest VAMC were at a lower risk for homelessness. CONCLUSIONS: Our unique dataset allowed us to explore the relationship between geography and homelessness. These results are important to policy makers in understanding the risk factors for homelessness among Veterans and planning interventions

    Assessing longitudinal housing status using Electronic Health Record data: a comparison of natural language processing, structured data, and patient-reported history

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    IntroductionMeasuring long-term housing outcomes is important for evaluating the impacts of services for individuals with homeless experience. However, assessing long-term housing status using traditional methods is challenging. The Veterans Affairs (VA) Electronic Health Record (EHR) provides detailed data for a large population of patients with homeless experiences and contains several indicators of housing instability, including structured data elements (e.g., diagnosis codes) and free-text clinical narratives. However, the validity of each of these data elements for measuring housing stability over time is not well-studied.MethodsWe compared VA EHR indicators of housing instability, including information extracted from clinical notes using natural language processing (NLP), with patient-reported housing outcomes in a cohort of homeless-experienced Veterans.ResultsNLP achieved higher sensitivity and specificity than standard diagnosis codes for detecting episodes of unstable housing. Other structured data elements in the VA EHR showed promising performance, particularly when combined with NLP.DiscussionEvaluation efforts and research studies assessing longitudinal housing outcomes should incorporate multiple data sources of documentation to achieve optimal performance
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